Ever since I was little I can remember my grandma making Angel Food Cake on Easter. But not any Angel Food cake, it was always colorful! So when I got a little older she would have me help her make it, we always had so much fun mixing the colors! And now, even though she's gone I still make it. I love making this cake because even though it is a cake, its fat free! The taste is so light and has a wonderful fluffy texture.
First thing you want to do is follow the directions on your box of Angel Food Cake. Once you have the batter mixed , set up enough bowls for the amount of colors you want for your cake.
I usually do 5 colors, but you can have as many or as little as you want.

Next, you want to add the desired amount of food dye into each bowl and stir.
I picked,




& Purple

Don't you just love the colors??
Now you can add the batter to your ungreased bundt pan. I guess you could use another type of pan if you wanted to, but I use a bundt. Don't pour all of the color in at one time or you wont get the same effect. Use a spoon to add a little at a time, alternating the colors.

Just bake it as directed on the box. Your cake is done when the cracks in the cake look dry. Let it cool upsidedown on a cooling rack. CAREFULLY run a flat knife along the edges of the pan to help loosen the cake. My grandma used to hit the bottom of the pan with the handle of the knife, I don't know if it acutally works but I do it too!! =).

♥ ♥ ♥
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