These two things can only mean one thing....
Cookie Dough Brownies!!!!!!!!!
First, head on over to your local grocery store and as fast as you can..grab yourself some brownie and chocolate chip cookie mix. You also want to grab yourself an extra bag of chocolate chips (12 oz), Butter, & Heavy Whipping Cream. I'll tell you why a later. Got it all? Ok Good. Now I know your excited about this but try not to drive too fast when trying to get home from the grocery store, and get yourself pulled over. Somehow, I don't think the Officer would let you off easy if you told him you were rushing home to make Cookie Dough Brownies. He'd probably just look at you really funny, write you a ticket and you'd end up on Speeders on truTV. Sorry to say. So be careful.
Anyway, once your home....
Prepare you brownies and cookies as directed on the package. Spray a glass baking dish about 13 x 9 or whatever you have on hand, and pour in your brownie batter. Next form balls with the cookie dough and place them throughout the brownie batter. Sinful already I know! Once you've finished that push down on them slightly. Go ahead and bake them for 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 350 degrees. I know 40 minutes seems like a lifetime, but waiting will be worth it. PINKY PROMISE.
When you take them out of your oven...they will look like this..

Now you have to let it cool because next we are going to use those extra ingredients to make a wonderful Chocolate Ganache.
I've always wanted to make Chocolate Ganache because you can do so much with it. Top almost anything! So when I saw this Betty Crocker recipe featured on Bakerella's site and saw she used a Chocolate Ganache on top I knew I had to try that. Its super easy also.
Chocolate Ganache:
6 Tablespoons Butter
3/4 Heavy Whipping Cream
12 ounces Chocolate Chips
Heat the Butter and Heavy Whipping Cream in a saucepan until its just about to boil.
Take off the heat and add the chocolate chips.
Combine until smooth.
Top your completely cooled brownies and let stand until it has set. Mine took about 40 minutes to set. I also used a smaller dish (not 13x9) so the ganache went on thicker. Of course I could have only used half of the ganache...but I just couldn't control myself.
This is the final delicious product

Wow. Every time I look at them, my mouth waters.
Thanks Bakerella for the Chocolate Ganache recipe!
Thanks Betty for the Cookie Dough Brownies recipe!
♥ ♥ ♥
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